About Maui IT Services
Maui IT Services is the IT division of WCEP LLC, a Maui-based limited liability company formed in 2017.

WChris.com has been serving customers from Maui since 2008. WChris merged with WCEP LLC in 2017 and its name was changed to Maui reflecting a change in focus to video production. With the establishment of Maui HD and HD Pilot by WCEP LLC, Maui IT Services is established as the computer and IT service division of the company.

Chris Sickels is the CEO and President of Maui IT Services. He has been working in the tech industry since 1997. In 1998 he helped found the company GenTech Computers of Portland Oregon which switched to a computer recycle company in 2003 and is still profitable even in the current economy. Was married in 2000 to a wonderful Maui girl. In 2003 Chris started "WChris.com IT Services". His family moved to Maui in 2008 so they wouldn't miss a moment with their Maui family.